
Almost 19 million enfranchised citizens registered in Electoral Register

The Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP) announces that 18,892,050 enfranchised citizens were registered in the Electoral Register on December 31, 2022, with 4,289 less than the last public information, told Agerpres.

In a press release sent on Thursday, AEP recalls that on November 30, 2022, there were 18,896,339 Romanian voters in the electoral register.

The differences appear as a result of the current operations carried out by the mayors in the Electoral Register related to the administrative-territorial units led by them and the import of data from the DEPABD, states the quoted source.

In the period 1-31 December 2022, at the level of the town halls, the following deletions were made in the Electoral Register: 22,744 people were deleted as a result of death, 37 people – because they were forbidden to exercise the right to vote or were placed under ban.

A number of 102 people regained their electoral rights as a result of the expiry of the erasure period.

The number of voters who turned 18 in the period 1.12.2022 – 31.12.2022 is 18,390, these being registered in the Electoral Register ex officio, by the Permanent Electoral Authority, based on the communication of the Directorate for the Registration of Persons and the Administration of Databases.

Of the total number of Romanian voters appearing in the Electoral Register, a number of 18,067,503 have their domicile or residence in the country, and 824,547 have their domicile abroad and are CRDS (Romanian Citizens Living Abroad) passport holders.

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