
Ministry of Agriculture develops draft decision for establishment of Milk and Dairy Products Observatory

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR) has drawn up the methodological rules for the application of the Milk and Dairy Products Law no. 307/2022, as well as the Guide to definitions and terms used in the milk industry, the ministry announced on Tuesday.

Thus, the Milk and Dairy Products Observatory is established at the MADR level, a structure whose objectives are to collect, process, and centralize data and information related to the market of milk and dairy products, respectively those related to the holdings of dairy cows, buffaloes, sheep and goats, livestock, milk quantities, the price of raw raw milk, marketed milk and dairy products, as well as production costs, Agerpres informs.

“The Milk and Dairy Products Observatory is the liaison body with the Milk Market Observatory of the European Union, in order to implement the mechanisms of common market organizations, which constitute and manage the database of the milk and dairy products sector, in order to develop market measures by drawing up monthly specific and/or general reports”, the press release states.

According to the cited source, the data providers for the market mechanism called the Milk and Dairy Products Observatory are: the National Veterinary Sanitary and Food Safety Authority (ANSVSA), the National Agency for Animal Husbandry (ANZ), the Payments Agency and Interventions in Agriculture (APIA), the Romanian Customs Authority, the County Directorates for Agriculture and the authorized economic operators in the milk and milk products sector.

Also, according to MADR, this draft Government decision approves the Guide to definitions and terms used in the milk industry and the detection of contraventions and the application of sanctions, which are applied by representatives of the authorities with attributions in the field, as follows: National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC), the National Veterinary Sanitary and Food Safety Authority and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, through the General Directorate of Control, Anti-Fraud and Inspections.

“The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development ensures the confidentiality of individual data and information, by adopting administrative, organizational and technical measures to protect, prevent their unauthorized access, dissemination, alienation and destruction”, the press release states.

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